Emerald Engagement Rings
Emerald Engagement Rings
Key Highlights:
- Emerald engagement rings offer a rare and beautiful alternative to traditional diamond rings.
- Emeralds symbolize love, truth, and good fortune.
- They are durable (7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale) and come in a variety of colors to suit different tastes.
Proposals are one big milestone in the lifespan of a romantic relationship. A marriage proposal signifies the willingness to commit exclusively and be loyal to one person until forever. A milestone as reminiscent as this doesn’t come empty-handed.
It ought to be accompanied by something huge and sparkly. By now, we all should know that I’m referring to an engagement ring. Marriage is like a cake to which a proposal is the icing, and the ring is the sprinkle & confections on top.
Like in the baking process, it’s sometimes difficult for a professional baker to decide what toppings to use. Decisions like this that can give even pros a tough time does worse for you first-timers who feel the need to live up to expectation.
Imagine all the pressure to do the right thing and the thoughts of “what if” lurking in your mind. If you’re a lover of uniqueness, here’s an engagement ring you may want to consider.
Well, you may not have thought of emerald engagement rings because they’re not rampant, but that’s the beauty. The allure lies in its rarity and uniqueness. Emerald rings are an uncommon ageless beauty and a gemstone of great significance.

Ancient Greece and Rome are believed to be the gemstone of a goddess. The precious stone symbolizes truth, love, good fortune, balance, growth and peace. Here are reasons you should consider proposing with emerald ring:
- Emeralds are ten times rarer than diamonds and thus linked to royalty. Giving your beloved an emerald ring makes a profound statement. It declares that your love is rare, true, patient and profound. It is proof that she owns your heart.
- A major consideration when buying a ring is your partner’s lifestyle and activity pattern. Some gemstones are prone to dents and scratches, but an emerald reads 7.5 out of 10 on a Mohs hardness scale. It is a durable material that can withstand the test of time.
- Emeralds showcase intense beauty as they glow. Under lights, they reflect a beautiful shade of green that can light up an entire room. This green sparkle gives it a very nice and attractive appeal.
- Emerald gemstones do not always have the emerald green color. The hue tends to change. It can be dark green, pale green, yellowish-green or even bluish green. Hence, you have various shades at your fingertips. You can now pick a color shade that blends smoothly with your partner’s skin tone.
- Emeralds do not only take the emerald cut as most people assume. Artisans can craft it into beautiful forms like the princess cut, cushion cut, oval, pearl, etc. The cut and polish of a master craftsman can affect the color of engagement rings, either making them darker or lighter.
- It is common knowledge that Singaporean ladies love jewelry and are attracted to bright colors like green. If you’re in Singapore and need an emerald ring or engagement ring of all sorts, Dianoche offers quality rings & jewelry at affordable prices always!
How do I Get the Best Emerald Engagement Rings in Singapore?
A gemstone ring is always an ideal choice, more so emeralds whose color symbolizes fertility, productivity and rejuvenation. Emerald engagement rings can be fashioned in different cuts.
However, the process has to be carried out by a certified gemologist and an expert craftsman. If improperly cut, the internal surface inclusions of the emerald may lead to chipping of the gemstone. Thankfully, this can be avoided by a pro.
Apart from chipping, many other problems are encountered when buying emerald engagement rings. They include; improper cut and polish, astounding prices, unimpressive lapidary work, low-quality simulated emerald stones, unavailability of choice, fake gems, etc. Fortunately, you can get the best and avoid all these problems by observing the following:
- Consider her style and preference. The mistake most people make is purchasing a ring that fits their standards rather than that of their partner. You can deduce what she loves by asking her friends and close relatives.
- An engagement ring that will steal her heart is totally worth it, but you shouldn’t go bankrupt on a ring. There’s a whole wedding and life ahead, as such you should work with a budget.
- I know you want to give her the best in the world but don’t make a penny-wise, pound-foolish decision. Plan a budget that will get a magnificent ring but still leave you with enough. Also, patronize a jeweler that cares enough about you to work with whatever you can afford but still produce the absolute best.
- Whether you choose to buy online or from a physical store, you should contact a reputable jeweler. When dealing with someone who has a track record of great services, you can be sure to get the best. Also, a renowned jeweler will give you advice that you can rely on.
- Before buying from any store, ask to see a certification document. This is to ensure that the jeweler is trained to meet international standards. Such Jewelers are great at customer service and also offer excellent return policies in the event of any rare deficiency or unplanned incidences beyond control.
- Before making payment, be sure to check the engagement ring for a hallmark. Hallmarks verify the authenticity of a particular piece of jewelry.
- It’s important to visit a jewelry store owned by a gemologist. This is based on consideration of the fact that you may not find exactly what you want. In such an event, you can work with the jeweler to craft a customized engagement ring.
- Getting the best emerald ring goes way beyond the process of purchase. After buying, you must ensure proper maintenance by cleaning it with warm water, mild soap and a soft brush. Afterward, it should be oiled with cedar oil to maintain its quality, brightness and glow.
If you abide by these, you will fall in love with the ring you got at the end of the stress. The journey to finding the best may be tedious but well worth the stress. However, there’s a great alternative if you’d love to skip the chase and cut right to the good part.
If you love this idea, I’ll suggest you visit our Dianoche showroom. We fit into & abide by everything mentioned above, so you can’t go wrong with us. Visit our website and contact us today to begin the adventurous journey of achieving your dream proposal!
Emerald engagement rings are a great choice for those who want a unique and meaningful ring. Consider your partner’s preferences, budget, and jeweler’s reputation when choosing an emerald ring. Dianoche is recommended for a quality selection and custom design options.